Vocabulary : Torrential to Torsal

Torrential : Alt. of Torrentine
Torrentine : Of or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent; caused by a torrent .
Torricellian : Of or pertaining to Torricelli, an Italian philosopher and mathematician, who, in 1643, discovered that the rise of a liquid in a tube, as in the barometer, is due to atmospheric pressure. See Barometer.
Torrid : Parched; dried with heat; as, a torrid plain or desert. ;; Violenty hot; drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching.
Torridity : Torridness.
Torridness : The quality or state of being torrid or parched.
Torril : A worthless woman; also, a worthless horse.
Torrock : A gull.
Torsade : A twisted cord; also, a molded or worked ornament of similar form.
Torsal : A torsel.
Next : Torse, Torsel, Torsi, Torsibillty, Torsion, Torsion electrometer, Torsion galvanometer, Torsion head, Torsion indicator, Torsion meter
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