Vocabulary : Totter to Tottlish

Totter : To shake so as to threaten a fall; to vacillate; to be unsteady; to stagger; as,an old man totters with age. ;; To shake; to reel; to lean; to waver.
Tottered : of Totter
Totterer : One who totters.
Tottering : of Totter
Totteringly : In a tottering manner.
Tottery : Trembling or vaccilating, as if about to fall; unsteady; shaking.
Totting : of Tot
Tottled : of Totly
Tottling : of Totly
Tottlish : Trembling or tottering, as if about to fall; un steady.
Next : Totty, Toty, Toucan, Touch, Touchable, Touchback, Touch-box, Touchdown, Touched, Touchhole
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