Vocabulary : trades union to Trade-unionist
trades union : Alt. of Trade union
Tradescantia : A genus including spiderwort and Wandering Jew.
Tradesfolk : People employed in trade; tradesmen.
Tradesman : One who trades; a shopkeeper. ;; A mechanic or artificer; esp., one whose livelihood depends upon the labor of his hands.
Tradesmen : of Tradesman
Tradespeople : People engaged in trade; shopkeepers.
Trades-unionist : Alt. of Trade-unionist
Tradeswoman : A woman who trades, or is skilled in trade.
Tradeswomen : of Tradeswoman
Trade-unionist : A member of a trades union, or a supporter of trades unions.
: Trading, Tradition, Traditional, Traditionalist, Traditionally, Traditionaries, Traditionarily, Traditionary, Traditioner, Traditionist
: Tractrix, Trad, Trade, Trade name, Trade union, Traded, Tradeful, Tradeless, Trade-mark, Trader
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary