Vocabulary : Transcendental to Transcolate
Transcendental : A transcendentalist.
Transcendentalism : The transcending, or going beyond, empiricism, and ascertaining a priori the fundamental principles of human knowledge. ;; Ambitious and imaginative vagueness in thought, imagery, or diction.
Transcendentalist : One who believes in transcendentalism.
Transcendentality : The quality or state of being transcendental.
Transcendentally : In a transcendental manner.
Transcendently : In a transcendent manner.
Transcendentness : Same as Transcendence.
Transcending : of Transcend
Transcension : The act of transcending, or surpassing; also, passage over.
Transcolate : To cause to pass through a sieve or colander; to strain, as through a sieve.
: Transcolated, Transcolating, Transcolation, Transcontinental, Transcorporate, Transcribbler, Transcribe, Transcribed, Transcriber, Transcribing
: Transanimation, Transatlantic, Transaudient, Transcalency, Transcalent, Transcend, Transcended, Transcendence, Transcendency, Transcendent
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary