Vocabulary : Transelementate to Transferee

Transelementate : To change or transpose the elements of; to transubstantiate.
Transelementation : Transubstantiation.
Transenne : A transom.
Transept : The transversal part of a church, which crosses at right angles to the greatest length, and between the nave and choir. In the basilicas, this had often no projection at its two ends. In Gothic churches these project these project greatly, and should be called the arms of the transept. It is common, however, to speak of the arms themselves as the transepts.
Transexion : Change of sex.
Transfeminate : To change into a woman, as a man.
Transfer : To convey from one place or person another; to transport, remove, or cause to pass, to another place or person; as, to transfer the laws of one country to another; to transfer suspicion. ;; To make over the possession or control of; to pass; to convey, as a right, from one person to another; to give; as, the title to land is transferred by deed. ;; To remove from one substance or surface to another; as, to transfer drawings or engravings to a lithographic stone. ;; The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. ;; The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or personal, from one person to another, whether by sale, by gift, or otherwise. ;; That which is transferred. ;; A picture, or the like, removed from one body or ground to another, as from wood to canvas, or from one piece of canvas to another. ;; A drawing or writing printed off from one surface on another, as in ceramics and in many decorative arts. ;; A
Transferability : The quality or state of being transferable.
Transferable : Capable of being transferred or conveyed from one place or person to another. ;; Negotiable, as a note, bill of exchange, or other evidence of property, that may be conveyed from one person to another by indorsement or other writing; capable of being transferred with no loss of value; as, the stocks of most public companies are transferable; some tickets are not transferable.
Transferee : The person to whom a transfer in made.
Next : Transference, Transferography, Transferred, Transferrence, Transferrer, Transferrible, Transferring, Transfigurate, Transfiguratien, Transfigure
Previous : Transcript, Transcription, Transcriptive, Transcur, Transcurrence, Transcursion, Transdialect, Transduction, Transe, Transelement
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