Vocabulary : Transfuge to Transgress
Transfuge : Alt. of Transfugitive
Transfugitive : One who flees from one side to another; hence, a deserter; a turncoat; an apostate.
Transfund : To pour from one vessel into another; to transfuse.
Transfuse : To pour, as liquid, out of one vessel into another; to transfer by pouring. ;; To transfer, as blood, from the veins or arteries of one man or animal to those of another. ;; To cause to pass from to another; to cause to be instilled or imbibed; as, to transfuse a spirit of patriotism into a man; to transfuse a love of letters.
Transfused : of Transfuse
Transfusible : Capable of being transfused; transferable by transfusion.
Transfusing : of Transfuse
Transfusion : The act of transfusing, or pouring, as liquor, out of one vessel into another. ;; The act or operation of transferring the blood of one man or animal into the vascular system of another; also, the introduction of any fluid into the blood vessels, or into a cavity of the body from which it can readily be adsorbed into the vessels; intrafusion; as, the peritoneal transfusion of milk.
Transfusive : Tending to transfuse; having power to transfuse.
Transgress : To pass over or beyond; to surpass. ;; Hence, to overpass, as any prescribed as the /imit of duty; to break or violate, as a law, civil or moral. ;; To offend against; to vex. ;; To offend against the law; to sin.
: Transgressed, Transgressing, Transgression, Transgressional, Transgressive, Transgressor, Transhape, Tranship, Transhipment, Transhuman
: Transformable, Transformation, Transformative, Transformed, Transformer, Transforming, Transformism, Transfreight, Transfretation, Transfrete
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary