Vocabulary : Transliteration to Transmeable
Transliteration : The act or product of transliterating, or of expressing words of a language by means of the characters of another alphabet.
Translocation : removal of things from one place to another; substitution of one thing for another.
Translucence : Alt. of Translucency
Translucency : The quality or state of being translucent; clearness; partial transparency.
Translucent : Transmitting rays of light without permitting objects to be distinctly seen; partially transparent. ;; Transparent; clear.
Translucently : In a translucent manner.
Translucid : Translucent.
Translunary : Being or lying beyond the moon; hence, ethereal; -- opposed to sublunary.
Transmarine : Lying or being beyond the sea.
Transmeable : Alt. of Transmeatable
: Transmeatable, Transmeate, Transmeation, Transmew, Transmigrant, Transmigrate, Transmigrated, Transmigrating, Transmigration, Transmigrator
: Translating, Translation, Translatitious, Translative, Translator, Translatorship, Translatory, Translatress, Translavation, Transliterate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary