Vocabulary : Transmitted to Transmutation
Transmitted : of Transmit
Transmitter : One who, or that which, transmits; specifically, that portion of a telegraphic or telephonic instrument by means of which a message is sent; -- opposed to receiver.
Transmittible : Capable of being transmitted; transmissible.
Transmitting : of Transmit
Transmogrification : The act of transmogrifying, or the state of being transmogrified; transformation.
Transmogrify : To change into a different shape; to transform.
Transmove : To move or change from one state into another; to transform.
Transmutability : The quality of being transmutable.
Transmutable : Capable of being transmuted or changed into a different substance, or into into something of a different form a nature; transformable.
Transmutation : The act of transmuting, or the state of being transmuted; as, the transmutation of metals. ;; The change or reduction of one figure or body into another of the same area or solidity, but of a different form, as of a triangle into a square. ;; The change of one species into another, which is assumed to take place in any development theory of life; transformism.
: Transmutationist, Transmute, Transmuted, Transmuter, Transmuting, Transmutual, Transnatation, Transnature, Transom, Transpadane
: Transmigratory, Transmissibility, Transmissible, Transmission, Transmission dynamometer, Transmissionist, Transmissive, Transmit, Transmittal, Transmittance
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary