Vocabulary : Transumption to Transversely
Transumption : Act of taking from one place to another.
Transumptive : Taking from one to another; metaphorical.
Transvasate : To pour out of one vessel into another.
Transvasation : The act or process of pouring out of one vessel into another.
Transvection : The act of conveying or carrying over.
Transverberate : To beat or strike through.
Transversal : Running or lying across; transverse; as, a transversal line. ;; A straight line which traverses or intersects any system of other lines, as a line intersecting the three sides of a triangle or the sides produced.
Transverse : Lying or being across, or in a crosswise direction; athwart; -- often opposed to longitudinal. ;; Anything that is transverse or athwart. ;; The longer, or transverse, axis of an ellipse. ;; To overturn; to change. ;; To change from prose into verse, or from verse into prose.
Transversed : of Transverse
Transversely : In a transverse manner.
: Transversing, Transversion, Transvert, Transvertible, Transvolation, Trant, Tranter, Trap, Trap shooting, Trapan
: Transubstantiate, Transubstantiation, Transubstantiator, Transudation, Transudatory, Transude, Transuded, Transuding, Transume, Transumpt
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary