Vocabulary : Tricae to Trichina

Tricae : of Trica
Tricarballylic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, a complex tribasic organic acid, C3H5.(CO2H)3 occurring naturally in unripe beet roots, and produced artificially from glycerin as a white crystalline substance.
Tricarbimide : See under Cyanuric.
Trice : To pull; to haul; to drag; to pull away. ;; To haul and tie up by means of a rope. ;; A very short time; an instant; a moment; -- now used only in the phrase in a trice.
Tricennarious : Of or pertaining to thirty years; tricennial.
Tricennial : Of or pertaining to thirty years; consisting of thirty years; occurring once in every thirty years.
Tricentenary : Including, or relating to, the interval of three hundred years; tercentenary. ;; A period of three centuries, or three hundred years, also, the three-hundredth anniversary of any event; a tercentenary.
Triceps : A muscle having three heads; specif., the great extensor of the forearm, arising by three heads and inserted into the olecranon at the elbow.
Trichiasis : A disease of the eye, in which the eyelashes, being turned in upon the eyeball, produce constant irritation by the motion of the lids.
Trichina : A small, slender nematoid worm (Trichina spiralis) which, in the larval state, is parasitic, often in immense numbers, in the voluntary muscles of man, the hog, and many other animals. When insufficiently cooked meat containing the larvae is swallowed by man, they are liberated and rapidly become adult, pair, and the ovoviviparous females produce in a short time large numbers of young which find their way into the muscles, either directly, or indirectly by means of the blood. Their presence in the muscles and the intestines in large numbers produces trichinosis.
Next : Trichinae, Trichiniasis, Trichinize, Trichinoscope, Trichinosis, Trichinous, Trichite, Trichiuriform, Trichiuroid, Trichiurus
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