Vocabulary : Tridented to Triedral
Tridented : Having three prongs; trident; tridentate; as, a tridented mace.
Tridentiferous : Bearing a trident.
Tridentine : Of or pertaining to Trent, or the general church council held in that city.
Tridiapason : A triple octave, or twenty-second.
Tridimensional : Having three dimensions; extended in three different directions.
Triding : A riding. See Trithing.
Triduan : Lasting three lays; also, happening every third day.
Tridymite : Pure silica, like quartz, but crystallizing in hexagonal tables. It is found in trachyte and similar rocks.
tried : imp. & p. p. of Try. ;; Proved; tested; faithful; trustworthy; as, a tried friend. ;; of Try
Triedral : See Trihedral.
: Triennial, Triennially, Triens, Trier, Trierarch, Trierarchises, Trierarchy, Trieterical, Trieterics, Triethylamine
: Tridactyle, Tridactylous, Triddler, Tride, Tridecane, Tridecatoic, Tridecatylene, Trident, Tridentate, Tridentated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary