Vocabulary : Triniunity to Trinominal
Triniunity : Triunity; trinity.
Trink : A kind of fishing net.
Trinket : A three-cornered sail formerly carried on a ship's foremast, probably on a lateen yard. ;; A knife; a cutting tool. ;; A small ornament, as a jewel, ring, or the like. ;; A thing of little value; a trifle; a toy. ;; To give trinkets; hence, to court favor; to intrigue.
Trinketer : One who trinkets.
Trinketry : Ornaments of dress; trinkets, collectively.
Trinkle : To act secretly, or in an underhand way; to tamper.
Trinoctial : Lasting during three nights; comprising three nights.
Trinodal : Having three knots or nodes; having three points from which a leaf may shoot; as, a trinodal stem. ;; Having three nodal points.
Trinomial : Consisting of, or involving the use of, three terms; as, a trinomial systematic name specifying the genus, species, and variety. ;; A quantity consisting of three terms, connected by the sign + or -; as, x + y + z, or ax + 2b - c2. ;; Consisting of three terms; of or pertaining to trinomials; as, a trinomial root.
Trinominal : Trinomial.
: Trinucleus, Trio, Triobolar, Triobolary, Trioctile, Triole, Triolein, Triolet, Trional, Trionychoidea
: Trinerve, Trinerved, Tringa, Tringle, Tringoid, Trinitarian, Trinitarianism, Trinitrocellulose, Trinitrophenol, Trinity
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary