Vocabulary : Tripartible to Tripel

Tripartible : Divisible into three parts.
Tripartient : Dividing into three parts; -- said of a number which exactly divides another into three parts.
Tripartite : Divided into three parts; triparted; as, a tripartite leaf. ;; Having three corresponding parts or copies; as, to make indentures tripartite. ;; Made between three parties; as, a tripartite treaty.
Tripartitely : In a tripartite manner.
Tripartition : A division by threes, or into three parts; the taking of a third part of any number or quantity.
Tripaschal : Including three passovers.
Tripe : The large stomach of ruminating animals, when prepared for food. ;; The entrails; hence, humorously or in contempt, the belly; -- generally used in the plural.
Tripedal : Having three feet.
Tripe-de-roche : Same as Rock tripe, under Rock.
Tripel : Same as Tripoli.
Next : Tripeman, Tripennate, Tripersonal, Tripersonalist, Tripersonality, Tripery, Tripestone, Tripetaloid, Tripetalous, Triphane
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