Vocabulary : Triquetrous to Trisagion
Triquetrous : Three sided, the sides being plane or concave; having three salient angles or edges; trigonal.
Triquetrum : One of the bones of the carpus; the cuneiform. See Cuneiform (b).
Triradiate : Alt. of Triradiated
Triradiated : Having three rays.
Trirectangular : Having three right angles. See Triquadrantal.
Trireme : An ancient galley or vessel with tree banks, or tiers, of oars.
Trirhomboidal : Having three rhombic faces or sides.
Trisaccharide : Alt. of -rid
Trisacramentarian : One who recognizes three sacraments, and no more; -- namely, baptism, the Lord's Supper, and penance. See Sacrament.
Trisagion : An ancient anthem, -- usually known by its Latin name tersanctus.See Tersanctus.
: Trisect, Trisected, Trisecting, Trisection, Triseralous, Triserial, Triseriate, Triskele, Triskelion, Trismus
: Trippingly, Tripsis, Triptote, Triptych, Tripudiary, Tripudiate, Tripudiation, Triquadrantal, Triquetra, Triquetral
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary