Vocabulary : Triviality to Trochaic
Triviality : The quality or state of being trivial; trivialness. ;; That which is trivial; a trifle.
Trivially : In a trivial manner.
Trivialness : Quality or state of being trivial.
Trivium : The three " liberal" arts, grammar, logic, and rhetoric; -- being a triple way, as it were, to eloquence. ;; The three anterior ambulacra of echinoderms, collectively.
Triweekly : Occurring or appearing three times a week; thriceweekly; as, a triweekly newspaper. ;; Three times a week. ;; A triweekly publication.
Troad : See Trode.
Troat : To cry, as a buck in rutting time. ;; The cry of a buck in rutting time.
Trocar : A stylet, usually with a triangular point, used for exploring tissues or for inserting drainage tubes, as in dropsy.
Trocha : A line of fortifications, usually rough, constructed to prevent the passage of an enemy across a region.
Trochaic : A trochaic verse or measure. ;; Alt. of Trochaical
: Trochaical, Trochal, Trochanter, Trochanteric, Trochantine, Trochar, Troche, Trochee, Trochi, Trochil
: Trivalence, Trivalent, Trivalve, Trivalvular, Trivant, Triverbial, Trivet, Trivial, Trivialism, Trivialities
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary