Vocabulary : Troutlet to Trowelfuls
Troutlet : A little trout; a troutling.
Troutling : A little trout; a troutlet.
Trouvere : Alt. of Trouveur
Trouveur : One of a school of poets who flourished in Northern France from the eleventh to the fourteenth century.
Trover : The gaining possession of any goods, whether by finding or by other means. ;; An action to recover damages against one who found goods, and would not deliver them to the owner on demand; an action which lies in any case to recover the value of goods wrongfully converted by another to his own use. In this case the finding, though alleged, is an immaterial fact; the injury lies in the conversion.
Trow : A boat with an open well amidships. It is used in spearing fish. ;; To believe; to trust; to think or suppose.
Trowel : A mason's tool, used in spreading and dressing mortar, and breaking bricks to shape them. ;; A gardener's tool, somewhat like a scoop, used in taking up plants, stirring the earth, etc. ;; A tool used for smoothing a mold.
Troweled : Formed with a trowel; smoothed with a trowel; as, troweled stucco, that is, stucco laid on and ready for the reception of paint.
Trowelful : As much as a trowel will hold; enough to fill a trowel.
Trowelfuls : of Trowelful
: Trowl, Trowsed, Trowsers, Troy, Troyounce, Truage, Truancy, Truand, Truant, Truantly
: Troupial, Trous-de-loup, Trouse, Trousering, Trousers, Trousse, Trousseau, Trout, Troutbird, Trout-colored
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary