Vocabulary : Trunk to Trunkwork
Trunk : The stem, or body, of a tree, apart from its limbs and roots; the main stem, without the branches; stock; stalk. ;; The body of an animal, apart from the head and limbs. ;; The main body of anything; as, the trunk of a vein or of an artery, as distinct from the branches. ;; That part of a pilaster which is between the base and the capital, corresponding to the shaft of a column. ;; That segment of the body of an insect which is between the head and abdomen, and bears the wings and legs; the thorax; the truncus. ;; The proboscis of an elephant. ;; The proboscis of an insect. ;; A long tube through which pellets of clay, p/as, etc., are driven by the force of the breath. ;; A box or chest usually covered with leather, metal, or cloth, or sometimes made of leather, hide, or metal, for containing clothes or other goods; especially, one used to convey the effects of a traveler. ;; A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are contained. ;; A large pipe forming the piston rod of aTrunk engine : An engine having a trunk piston, as most internal combustion engines.
Trunk piston : In a single-acting engine, an elongated hollow piston, open at the end, in which the end of the connecting rod is pivoted. The piston rod, crosshead and stuffing box are thus dispensed with.
Trunk steamer : A freight steamer having a high hatch coaming extending almost continuously fore and aft, but not of whaleback form at the sides.
Trunkback : The leatherback.