Vocabulary : Tufa to Tufting

Tufa : A soft or porous stone formed by depositions from water, usually calcareous; -- called also calcareous tufa. ;; A friable volcanic rock or conglomerate, formed of consolidated cinders, or scoria.
Tufaceous : Pertaining to tufa; consisting of, or resembling, tufa.
Tuff : Same as Tufa.
Tuffoon : See Typhoon.
Tuft : A collection of small, flexible, or soft things in a knot or bunch; a waving or bending and spreading cluster; as, a tuft of flowers or feathers. ;; A cluster; a clump; as, a tuft of plants. ;; A nobleman, or person of quality, especially in the English universities; -- so called from the tuft, or gold tassel, on the cap worn by them. ;; To separate into tufts. ;; To adorn with tufts or with a tuft. ;; To grow in, or form, a tuft or tufts.
Tuf-taffeta : A silk fabric formerly in use, having a nap or pile.
Tufted : of Tuft ;; Adorned with a tuft; as, the tufted duck. ;; Growing in tufts or clusters; tufty.
Tufthunter : A hanger-on to noblemen, or persons of quality, especially in English universities; a toady. See 1st Tuft, 3.
Tufthunting : The practice of seeking after, and hanging on, noblemen, or persons of quality, especially in English universities.
Tufting : of Tuft
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