Vocabulary : Tun-great to Tungusic

Tun-great : Having the circumference of a tun.
Tungstate : A salt of tungstic acid; a wolframate.
Tungsten : A rare element of the chromium group found in certain minerals, as wolfram and scheelite, and isolated as a heavy steel-gray metal which is very hard and infusible. It has both acid and basic properties. When alloyed in small quantities with steel, it greatly increases its hardness. Symbol W (Wolframium). Atomic weight, 183.6. Specific gravity, 18. ;; Scheelite, or calcium tungstate.
Tungsten lamp : An electric glow lamp having filaments of metallic tungsten. Such lamps, owing to the refractory nature of the metal, may be maintained at a very high temperature and require an expenditure of only about 1.25 watts per candle power.
Tungsten steel : A steel containing a small amount of tungsten, noted for tenacity and hardness, even under a considerable degree of heat. Magnets made of it are said to be highly permanent. It often contains manganese.
Tungstenic : Of or pertaining to tungsten; containing tungsten; as, tungstenic ores.
Tungstic : Of or pertaining to tungsten; derived from, or resembling, tungsten; wolframic; as, tungstic oxide.
Tungstite : The oxide of tungsten, a yellow mineral occurring in a pulverulent form. It is often associated with wolfram.
Tunguses : A group of roving Turanian tribes occupying Eastern Siberia and the Amoor valley. They resemble the Mongols.
Tungusic : Of or pertaining to the Tunguses; as, the Tungusic dialects.
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