Vocabulary : Tupmen to Turban
Tupmen : of Tupman
Tuque : A kind of warm cap winter wear, made from a knit bag with closed tapered ends by pushing one end within the other, thus making a conical cap of double thickness.
Tur : The urus.
Turacin : A red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou; whence the name. It contains nearly six per cent of copper.
Turacou : Any one of several species of plantain eaters of the genus Turacus, native of Africa. They are remarkable for the peculiar green and red pigments found in their feathers.
Turacoverdin : A green pigment found in the feathers of the turacou. See Turacin.
Turanian : Of, pertaining to, or designating, an extensive family of languages of simple structure and low grade (called also Altaic, Ural-Altaic, and Scythian), spoken in the northern parts of Europe and Asia and Central Asia; of pertaining to, or designating, the people who speak these languages. ;; One of the Turanians.
Turanians : An extensive division of mankind including the Mongols and allied races of Asia, together with the Malays and Polynesians. ;; A group of races or tribes inhabiting Asia and closely related to the Mongols.
Turatt : The hare kangaroo.
Turban : A headdress worn by men in the Levant and by most Mohammedans of the male sex, consisting of a cap, and a sash, scarf, or shawl, usually of cotton or linen, wound about the cap, and sometimes hanging down the neck. ;; A kind of headdress worn by women. ;; The whole set of whorls of a spiral shell.
: Turband, Turbaned, Turban-shell, Turbant, Turban-top, Turbaries, Turbary, Turbellaria, Turbellarian, Turbeth
: Tunnies, Tunning, Tunny, Tup, Tupaiid, Tupal, Tupelo, Tupi, Tupian, Tupman
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary