Vocabulary : Turkey to Turko-Iranian
Turkey : An empire in the southeast of Europe and southwest of Asia. ;; Any large American gallinaceous bird belonging to the genus Meleagris, especially the North American wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), and the domestic turkey, which was probably derived from the Mexican wild turkey, but had been domesticated by the Indians long before the discovery of America.
Turkeys : of Turkey ;; Turkish.
Turkey-trot : An eccentric ragtime dance, danced with the feet well apart and with a characteristic rise on the ball of the foot, followed by a drop upon the heel. The original form, owning to the positions assumed by the dancers, is offensively suggestive. Similar dances are the bunny hug and grizzly bear, so called in allusion to the movements and the positions assumed by the partners in dancing.
Turkic : Turkish.
Turkis : Turquois.
Turkish : Of or pertaining to Turkey or the Turks. ;; The language spoken by Turks, esp. that of the people of Turkey.
Turkism : A Turkish idiom or expression; also, in general, a Turkish mode or custom. ;; Same as Turcism.
Turkle : A turtle.
Turko : One of a body of native Algerian tirailleurs in the French army, dressed as a Turk.
Turko-Iranian : Designating, or pert. to, a mixed racial type including the Afghans, and characterized chiefly by stature above mean, fair complexion, dark, or sometimes gray, eyes, brachycephaly, and very long, prominent, and moderately narrow nose. ;; A member of any race of the Turko-Iranian type.
: Turkois, Turkoman, Turkomans, Turkos, Turk's-head, Turlupin, Turm, Turmaline, Turmeric, Turmerol
: Turgid, Turgidity, Turgidous, Turio, Turiole, Turion, Turiones, Turioniferous, Turk, Turkeis
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary