Vocabulary : Turnep to Turnip
Turnep : See Turnip.
Turner : One who turns; especially, one whose occupation is to form articles with a lathe. ;; A variety of pigeon; a tumbler. ;; A person who practices athletic or gymnastic exercises.
Turnerite : A variety of monazite.
Turnery : The art of fashioning solid bodies into cylindrical or other forms by means of a lathe. ;; Things or forms made by a turner, or in the lathe.
Turney : Tourney.
Turnhalle : A building used as a school of gymnastics.
Turnicimorphae : A division of birds including Turnix and allied genera, resembling quails in appearance but differing from them anatomically.
Turning : of Turn ;; The act of one who, or that which, turns; also, a winding; a bending course; a fiexure; a meander. ;; The place of a turn; an angle or corner, as of a road. ;; Deviation from the way or proper course. ;; Turnery, or the shaping of solid substances into various by means of a lathe and cutting tools. ;; The pieces, or chips, detached in the process of turning from the material turned. ;; A maneuver by which an enemy or a position is turned.
Turningness : The quality of turning; instability; tergiversation.
Turnip : The edible, fleshy, roundish, or somewhat conical, root of a cruciferous plant (Brassica campestris, var. Napus); also, the plant itself.
: Turnip-shell, Turnix, Turnkey, Turnkeys, Turn-out, Turn-outs, Turnover, Turnpike, Turnpiked, Turnpiking
: Turmoil, Turmoiled, Turmoiling, Turn, Turnbroach, Turn-buckle, Turnbull's blue, Turncoat, Turndown, Turned
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary