Vocabulary : Tut-nose to Tutorship

Tut-nose : A snub nose.
Tutor : One who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of, some person or thing. ;; A treasurer; a keeper. ;; One who has the charge of a child or pupil and his estate; a guardian. ;; A private or public teacher. ;; An officer or member of some hall, who instructs students, and is responsible for their discipline. ;; An instructor of a lower rank than a professor. ;; To have the guardianship or care of; to teach; to instruct. ;; To play the tutor toward; to treat with authority or severity.
Tutorage : The office or occupation of a tutor; tutorship; guardianship.
Tutored : of Tutor
Tutoress : A woman who performs the duties of a tutor; an instructress.
Tutorial : Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
Tutoring : of Tutor
Tutorism : Tutorship.
Tutorize : To teach; to instruct.
Tutorship : The office, duty, or care of a tutor; guardianship; tutelage.
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