Vocabulary : Typification to Typograph

Typification : The act of typifying, or representing by a figure.
Typified : of Typify
Typifier : One who, or that which, typifies.
Typify : To embody the essential or salient characteristics of; to be the type of; as, the genus Rosa typifies the family Rosaceae, which in turn typifies the series Rosales. ;; To represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance.
Typifying : of Typify
Typing : of Type
Typist : A person who operates a typewriting machine; a typewriter.
Typo : A compositor.
Typocosmy : A representation of the world.
Typograph : A machine for setting type or for casting lines of type and setting them.
Next : Typographer, Typographic, Typographical, Typography, Typolite, Typolithography, Typology, Typothetae, Tyran, Tyranness
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