Vocabulary : Ulluco to Ulnare
Ulluco : See Melluc/o.
Ulmaceous : Of or pertaining to a suborder of urticaceous plants, of which the elm is the type.
Ulmate : A salt of ulmic acid.
Ulmic : Pertaining to ulmin; designating an acid obtained from ulmin.
Ulmin : A brown amorphous substance found in decaying vegetation. Cf. Humin.
Ulmus : A genus of trees including the elm.
Ulna : The postaxial bone of the forearm, or branchium, corresponding to the fibula of the hind limb. See Radius. ;; An ell; also, a yard.
Ulnage : Measurement by the ell; alnage.
Ulnar : Of or pertaining to the ulna, or the elbow; as, the ulnar nerve.
Ulnare : One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man.
: Ulnaria, Ulodendron, Uloid, Ulonata, Ulotrichan, Ulotrichi, Ulotrichous, Ulster, Ulterior, Ulteriorly
: Ulcuscle, Ulcuscule, Ule, Ulema, Ulexite, Uliginose, Uliginous, Ullage, Ullet, Ullmannite
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary