Vocabulary : Unbethink to Unbishop

Unbethink : To change the mind of (one's self).
Unbeware : Unawares.
Unbewitch : To free from a spell; to disenchant.
Unbias : To free from bias or prejudice.
Unbiased : Free from bias or prejudice; unprejudiced; impartial.
Unbid : Alt. of Unbidden
Unbidden : Not bidden; not commanded. ;; Uninvited; as, unbidden guests. ;; Being without a prayer.
Unbind : To remove a band from; to set free from shackles or fastenings; to unite; to unfasten; to loose; as, unbind your fillets; to unbind a prisoner's arms; to unbind a load.
Unbinding : of Unbind
Unbishop : To deprive, as a city, of a bishop; to deprive, as a clergyman, of episcopal dignity or rights.
Next : Unbit, Unbitted, Unbitting, Unblemished, Unbless, Unblessed, Unblest, Unblestful, Unblind, Unblindfold
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