Vocabulary : Uncreate to Unctious
Uncreate : To deprive of existence; to annihilate. ;; Uncreated; self-existent.
Uncreated : Deprived of existence; annihilated. ;; Not yet created; as, misery uncreated. ;; Not existing by creation; self-existent; eternal; as, God is an uncreated being.
Uncreatedness : The quality or state of being uncreated.
Uncredible : Incredible.
Uncredit : To cause to be disbelieved; to discredit.
Uncreditable : Discreditable.
Uncrown : To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone.
Uncrudded : Not cruddled, or curdled.
Unction : The act of anointing, smearing, or rubbing with an unguent, oil, or ointment, especially for medical purposes, or as a symbol of consecration; as, mercurial unction. ;; That which is used for anointing; an unguent; an ointment; hence, anything soothing or lenitive. ;; Divine or sanctifying grace. ;; That quality in language, address, or the like, which excites emotion; especially, strong devotion; religious fervor and tenderness; sometimes, a simulated, factitious, or unnatural fervor.
Unctious : Unctuous.
: Unctuosity, Unctuous, Unculpable, Uncult, Unculture, Uncunning, Uncunningly, Uncunningness, Uncurable, Uncurably
: Uncouple, Uncourtliness, Uncous, Uncouth, Uncovenable, Uncovenanted, Uncover, Uncovered, Uncovering, Uncowl
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary