Vocabulary : Underbred to Undercharge
Underbred : Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow.
Underbrush : Shrubs, small trees, and the like, in a wood or forest, growing beneath large trees; undergrowth.
Underbuilder : A subordinate or assistant builder.
Underbuilding : Same as Substruction.
Underbuy : To buy at less than the real value or worth; to buy cheaper than.
Undercast : To cast under or beneath.
Underchamberlain : A deputy chamberlain of the exchequer.
Underchanter : Same as Subchanter.
Underchaps : The lower chaps or jaw.
Undercharge : To charge below or under; to charge less than is usual or suitable fro; as, to undercharge goods or services. ;; To put too small a charge into; as, to undercharge a gun. ;; A charge that is less than is usual or suitable.
: Underclay, Undercliff, Underclothes, Underclothing, Undercoat, Underconduct, Underconsumption, Undercraft, Undercreep, Undercrest
: Underaid, Under-arm, Underback, Underbear, Underbearer, Underbid, Underbind, Underboard, Underbrace, Underbranch
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary