Vocabulary : Underfilling to Undergird
Underfilling : The filling below or beneath; the under part of a building.
Underfollow : To follow closely or immediately after.
Underfong : To undertake; to take in hand; to receive. ;; To insnare; to circumvent. ;; To sustain; to support; to guard.
Underfoot : Under the feet; underneath; below. See Under foot, under Foot, n. ;; Low; base; abject; trodden down.
Underfringe : A lower fringe; a fringe underneath something.
Underfurnish : To supply with less than enough; to furnish insufficiently.
Underfurrow : To cover as under a furrow; to plow in; as, to underfurrow seed or manure.
Under-garment : A garment worn below another.
Underget : To get under or beneath; also, to understand.
Undergird : To blind below; to gird round the bottom.
: Underglaze, Undergo, Undergod, Undergoing, Undergone, Undergore, Undergown, Undergraduate, Undergraduateship, Undergroan
: Underdolven, Underdose, Underdrain, Underdressed, Underestimate, Underfaction, Underfaculty, Underfarmer, Underfeed, Underfellow
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary