Vocabulary : Underpeep to Underplanted
Underpeep : To peep under.
Underpeer : To peer under.
Underpeopled : Not fully peopled.
Underpight : imp. of Underpitch. ;; of Underpitch
Underpin : To lay stones, masonry, etc., under, as the sills of a building, on which it is to rest. ;; To support by some solid foundation; to place something underneath for support.
Underpinned : of Underpin
Underpinning : of Underpin ;; The act of one who underpins; the act of supporting by stones, masonry, or the like. ;; That by which a building is underpinned; the material and construction used for support, introduced beneath a wall already constructed. ;; The foundation, esp. of a frame house.
Underpitch : To fill underneath; to stuff.
Underplant : To plant under; ;; to plant (young trees) under an existing stand.
Underplanted : of Underplant
: Underplanting, Underplay, Underplot, Underpoise, Underpossessor, Underpraise, Underprize, Underproduction, Underproof, Underprop
: Undermoneyed, Undermost, Undern, Underneath, Underniceness, Undernime, Undernom, Underofficer, Underpart, Underpay
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary