Vocabulary : Understratums to Undertapster

Understratums : of Understratum
Understroke : To underline or underscore.
Understudy : To study, as another actor's part, in order to be his substitute in an emergency; to study another actor's part. ;; One who studies another's part with a view to assuming it in an emergency.
Undersuit : A suit worn under another suit; a suit of underclothes.
Undertakable : Capable of being undertaken; practicable.
Undertake : To take upon one's self; to engage in; to enter upon; to take in hand; to begin to perform; to set about; to attempt. ;; Specifically, to take upon one's self solemnly or expressly; to lay one's self under obligation, or to enter into stipulations, to perform or to execute; to covenant; to contract. ;; Hence, to guarantee; to promise; to affirm. ;; To assume, as a character. ;; To engage with; to attack. ;; To have knowledge of; to hear. ;; To take or have the charge of. ;; To take upon one's self, or assume, any business, duty, or province. ;; To venture; to hazard. ;; To give a promise or guarantee; to be surety.
Undertaken : of Undertake
Undertaker : One who undertakes; one who engages in any project or business. ;; One who stipulates or covenants to perform any work for another; a contractor. ;; Specifically, one who takes the charge and management of funerals.
Undertaking : of Undertake ;; The act of one who undertakes, or engages in, any project or business. ;; That which is undertaken; any business, work, or project which a person engages in, or attempts to perform; an enterprise. ;; Specifically, the business of an undertaker, or the management of funerals. ;; A promise or pledge; a guarantee.
Undertapster : Assistant to a tapster.
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