Vocabulary : Underturn to Underwent

Underturn : To turn upside down; to subvert; to upset.
Undervaluation : The act of undervaluing; a rate or value not equal to the real worth.
Undervalue : To value, rate, or estimate below the real worth; to depreciate. ;; To esteem lightly; to treat as of little worth; to hold in mean estimation; to despise. ;; A low rate or price; a price less than the real worth; undervaluation.
Undervaluer : One who undervalues.
Underverse : The lower or second verse.
Undervest : An undershirt.
Underviewer : See Underlooker.
Underwear : That which is worn under the outside clothing; underclothes.
Underween : To undervalue.
Underwent : of Undergo ;; imp. of Undergo.
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