Vocabulary : Unexpressible to Unfaithful
Unexpressible : Inexpressible.
Unexpressive : Not expressive; not having the power of utterance; inexpressive. ;; Incapable of being expressed; inexpressible; unutterable; ineffable.
Unextinguishable : Inextinguishable.
Unextricable : Not extricable; inextricable.
Unface : To remove the face or cover from; to unmask; to expose.
Unfailable : Infallible.
Unfailing : Not failing; not liable to fail; inexhaustible; certain; sure.
Unfair : To deprive of fairness or beauty. ;; Not fair; not honest; not impartial; disingenuous; using or involving trick or artifice; dishonest; unjust; unequal.
Unfaith : Absence or want of faith; faithlessness; distrust; unbelief.
Unfaithful : Not faithful; not observant of promises, vows, allegiance, or duty; violating trust or confidence; treacherous; perfidious; as, an unfaithful subject; an unfaithful agent or servant. ;; Not possessing faith; infidel.
: Unfalcated, Unfallible, Unfasten, Unfathered, Unfavorable, Unfeather, Unfeatured, Unfeaty, Unfeeling, Unfeigned
: Unexhaustible, Unexpectation, Unexpected, Unexpedient, Unexpensive, Unexperience, Unexperienced, Unexperient, Unexpert, Unexpertly
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary