Vocabulary : Unfrequent to Unfumed
Unfrequent : Infrequent. ;; To cease to frequent.
Unfrequented : Rarely visited; seldom or never resorted to by human beings; as, an unfrequented place or forest.
Unfret : To smooth after being fretted.
Unfriend : One not a friend; an enemy.
Unfriended : Wanting friends; not befriended; not countenanced or supported.
Unfriendly : Not friendly; not kind or benevolent; hostile; as, an unfriendly neighbor. ;; Not favorable; not adapted to promote or support any object; as, weather unfriendly to health.
Unfriendship : The state or quality of being unfriendly; unfriendliness; enmity.
Unfrock : To deprive or divest or a frock; specifically, to deprive of priestly character or privilege; as, to unfrock a priest.
Unfruitful : Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort.
Unfumed : Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.
: Unfurl, Unfurnish, Unfusible, Ungain, Ungainliness, Ungainly, Ungear, Ungeld, Ungenerous, Ungenerously
: Unformed, Unfortunate, Unfounded, Unframe, Unfrangible, Unfrankable, Unfraught, Unfree, Unfreeze, Unfrequency
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary