Vocabulary : Unglorious to Ungown

Unglorious : Inglorious.
Unglove : To take off the glove or gloves of; as, to unglove the hand.
Unglue : To separate, part, or open, as anything fastened with glue.
Ungod : To deprive of divinity; to undeify. ;; To cause to recognize no god; to deprive of a god; to make atheistical.
Ungodly : Not godly; not having regard for God; disobedient to God; wicked; impious; sinful. ;; Polluted by sin or wickedness.
Ungored : Not stained with gore; not bloodied. ;; Not gored or pierced.
Ungot : Alt. of Ungotten
Ungotten : Not gotten; not acquired. ;; Not begotten.
Ungovernable : Not governable; not capable of being governed, ruled, or restrained; licentious; wild; unbridled; as, ungovernable passions.
Ungown : To strip of a gown; to unfrock.
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