Vocabulary : Unimuscular to Uniocular
Unimuscular : Having only one adductor muscle, and one muscular impression on each valve, as the oyster; monomyarian.
Unincumbered : Not incumbered; not burdened. ;; Free from any temporary estate or interest, or from mortgage, or other charge or debt; as, an estate unincumbered with dower.
Uninfringible : That may not be infringed; as, an uninfringible monopoly.
Unintelligence : Absence or lack of intelligence; unwisdom; ignorance.
Uninteressed : Uninterested; unaffected.
Uninterested : Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business. ;; Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration.
Unintermission : Want or failure of intermission.
Uninucleated : Possessed of but a single nucleus; as, a uninucleated cell.
Unio : Any one of numerous species of fresh-water mussels belonging to Unio and many allied genera.
Uniocular : Of, pertaining to, or seated in, one eye; monocular.
: Union, Unionism, Unionist, Unionistic, Uniovulate, Unipara, Uniparous, Uniped, Unipersonal, Unipersonalist
: Unilateral, Uniliteral, Unilobar, Unilocular, Unimitable, Unimpairable, Unimpeachable, Unimplicate, Unimportance, Unimproved
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary