Vocabulary : Unpannel to Unpassable

Unpannel : To take the saddle off; to unsaddle.
Unparadise : To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to render unhappy.
Unparagoned : Having no paragon or equal; matchless; peerless.
Unparalleled : Having no parallel, or equal; unequaled; unmatched.
Unparched : Dried up; withered by heat.
Unpardonable : Not admitting of pardon or forgiveness; inexcusable.
Unparented : Having no parent, or no acknowledged parent.
Unparliamentary : Not parliamentary; contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies.
Unpartial : Impartial.
Unpassable : Impassable.
Next : Unpassionate, Unpastor, Unpathed, Unpathwayed, Unpatience, Unpatient, Unpaved, Unpay, Unpeace, Unpedigreed
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