Vocabulary : Unpinion to Unplat
Unpinion : To loose from pinions or manacles; to free from restraint.
Unpitied : Not pitied. ;; Pitiless; merciless.
Unpitious : Impious; wicked. ;; Destitute of pity; pitiless.
Unpitousty : Impiety.
Unpity : Want of piety.
Unplacable : Implacable.
Unplaced : Not placed.
Unplaid : To deprive of a plaid.
Unplained : Not deplored or bewailed; unlamented.
Unplat : To take out the folds or twists of, as something previously platted; to unfold; to unwreathe.
: Unplausive, Unpleaded, Unpleasant, Unpleasantries, Unpleasantry, Unpleasive, Unpleat, Unplight, Unplumb, Unplume
: Unperfection, Unperishable, Unperishably, Unperplex, Unpersuasion, Unpervert, Unphilosophize, Unpick, Unpicked, Unpin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary