Vocabulary : Unshrubbed to Unsin
Unshrubbed : Being without shrubs.
Unshut : To open, or throw open.
Unshutter : To open or remove the shutters of.
Unsight : Doing or done without sight; not seeing or examining.
Unsightable : Invisible.
Unsighted : Not sighted, or seen. ;; Not aimed by means of a sight; also, not furnished with a sight, or with a properly adjusted sight; as, to shoot and unsighted rife or cannon.
Unsignificant : Insignificant.
Unsilly : See Unsely.
Unsimplicity : Absence of simplicity; artfulness.
Unsin : To deprive of sinfulness, as a sin; to make sinless.
: Unsincere, Unsincerity, Unsinew, Unsister, Unsisterly, Unsisting, Unsitting, Unskill, Unskillful, Unslacked
: Unshelve, Unshent, Unsheriff, Unshet, Unshiftable, Unship, Unshipment, Unshot, Unshout, Unshroud
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary