Vocabulary : Untappice to Untent
Untappice : to come out of concealment.
Untaste : To deprive of a taste for a thing.
Unteach : To cause to forget, or to lose from memory, or to disbelieve what has been taught. ;; To cause to be forgotten; as, to unteach what has been learned.
Unteam : To unyoke a team from.
Untemper : To deprive of temper, or of the proper degree of temper; to make soft.
Untemperate : Intemperate.
Untemperately : Intemperately.
Untempter : One who does not tempt, or is not a tempter.
Untenant : To remove a tenant from.
Untent : To bring out of a tent.
: Untented, Unthank, Unthink, Unthinker, Unthinking, Unthread, Unthrift, Unthriftfully, Unthriftihead, Unthriftihood
: Unsymmetrical, Unsymmetrically, Unsympathy, Untack, Untackle, Untalked, Untangibility, Untangible, Untangibly, Untangle
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary