Vocabulary : Untrusser to Untwain
Untrusser : One who untrussed persons for the purpose of flogging them; a public whipper.
Untrust : Distrust.
Untrustful : Not trustful or trusting. ;; Not to be trusted; not trusty.
Untruth : The quality of being untrue; contrariety to truth; want of veracity; also, treachery; faithlessness; disloyalty. ;; That which is untrue; a false assertion; a falsehood; a lie; also, an act of treachery or disloyalty.
Untruthful : Not truthful; unveracious; contrary to the truth or the fact.
Untuck : To unfold or undo, as a tuck; to release from a tuck or fold.
Untune : To make incapable of harmony, or of harmonious action; to put out of tune.
Unturn : To turn in a reserve way, especially so as to open something; as, to unturn a key.
Unturned : Not turned; not revolved or reversed.
Untwain : To rend in twain; to tear in two.
: Untwine, Untwirl, Untwist, Unty, Unusage, Unused, Unusual, Unusuality, Unutterable, Unvail
: Untreasured, Untreatable, Untrenched, Untressed, Untrift, Untrowable, Untrue, Untruism, Untrunked, Untruss
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary