Vocabulary : Upholsterer to Uplean
Upholsterer : One who provides hangings, coverings, cushions, curtains, and the like; one who upholsters.Upholstery : The articles or goods supplied by upholsterers; the business or work of an upholsterer.
Uphroe : Same as Euphroe.
Upkeep : The act of keeping up, or maintaining; maintenance.
Upland : High land; ground elevated above the meadows and intervals which lie on the banks of rivers, near the sea, or between hills; land which is generally dry; -- opposed to lowland, meadow, marsh, swamp, interval, and the like. ;; The country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns. ;; Of or pertaining to uplands; being on upland; high in situation; as, upland inhabitants; upland pasturage. ;; Pertaining to the country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns; rustic; rude; unpolished.