Vocabulary : Uprear to Uproar
Uprear : To raise; to erect.Upridged : Raised up in a ridge or ridges; as, a billow upridged.
Upright : Designating a club in which the head is approximately at a right angle with the shaft. ;; A tool made from a flat strip of steel with chisel edges at both ends, bent into horseshoe, the opening between the cutting edges being adjustable, used for reducing splits to skeins. Called in full upright shave. ;; In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree. ;; Morally erect; having rectitude; honest; just; as, a man upright in all his ways. ;; Conformable to moral rectitude. ;; Stretched out face upward; flat on the back. ;; Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of Frame.
Uprighteously : In an upright or just manner.
Uprightly : In an upright manner.