Vocabulary : Uranin to Uran-ochre
Uranin : An alkaline salt of fluorescein, obtained as a brownish red substance, which is used as a dye; -- so called from the peculiar yellowish green fluorescence (resembling that of uranium glass) of its solutions. See Fluorescein.
Uraninite : A mineral consisting chiefly of uranium oxide with some lead, thorium, etc., occurring in black octahedrons, also in masses with a pitchlike luster; pitchblende.
Uraniscoplasty : The process of forming an artificial palate.
Uraniscoraphy : Alt. of Uraniscorrhaphy
Uraniscorrhaphy : Suture of the palate. See Staphyloraphy.
Uranite : A general term for the uranium phosphates, autunite, or lime uranite, and torbernite, or copper uranite.
Uranitic : Of or pertaining to uranium; containing uranium.
Uranium : An element of the chromium group, found in certain rare minerals, as pitchblende, uranite, etc., and reduced as a heavy, hard, nickel-white metal which is quite permanent. Its yellow oxide is used to impart to glass a delicate greenish-yellow tint which is accompanied by a strong fluorescence, and its black oxide is used as a pigment in porcelain painting. Symbol U. Atomic weight 239.
Uran-ocher : Alt. of Uran-ochre
Uran-ochre : A yellow, earthy incrustation, consisting essentially of the oxide of uranium, but more or less impure.
: Uranographic, Uranographical, Uranographist, Uranography, Uranolite, Uranology, Uranometria, Uranometry, Uranoplasty, Uranoscopy
: Urali, Uralian, Uralic, Uralite, Uralitization, Uramil, Uranate, Urania, Uranian, Uranic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary