Vocabulary : Urry to Ursus

Urry : A sort of blue or black clay lying near a vein of coal.
Ursa : Either one of the Bears. See the Phrases below.
Ursal : The ursine seal. See the Note under 1st Seal.
Ursiform : Having the shape of a bear.
Ursine : Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear.
Urson : The Canada porcupine. See Porcupine.
Ursuk : The bearded seal.
Ursula : A beautiful North American butterfly (Basilarchia, / Limenitis, astyanax). Its wings are nearly black with red and blue spots and blotches. Called also red-spotted purple.
Ursuline : One of an order of nuns founded by St. Angela Merici, at Brescia, in Italy, about the year 1537, and so called from St. Ursula, under whose protection it was placed. The order was introduced into Canada as early as 1639, and into the United States in 1727. The members are devoted entirely to education. ;; Of or pertaining to St. Ursula, or the order of Ursulines; as, the Ursuline nuns.
Ursus : A genus of Carnivora including the common bears.
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