Vocabulary : Uterovaginal to Utility
Uterovaginal : Pertaining to both the uterus and the vagina.
Uterus : The organ of a female mammal in which the young are developed previous to birth; the womb. ;; A receptacle, or pouch, connected with the oviducts of many invertebrates in which the eggs are retained until they hatch or until the embryos develop more or less. See Illust. of Hermaphrodite in Append.
Utes : An extensive tribe of North American Indians of the Shoshone stock, inhabiting Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and adjacent regions. They are subdivided into several subordinate tribes.
Uti possidetis : The basis or principle of a treaty which leaves belligerents mutually in possession of what they have acquired by their arms during the war. ;; A species of interdict granted to one who was in possession of an immovable thing, in order that he might be declared the legal possessor.
Utia : Any species of large West Indian rodents of the genus Capromys, or Utia. In general appearance and habits they resemble rats, but they are as large as rabbits.
Utica : Of, pertaining to, or designating, a subdivision of the Trenton Period of the Lower Silurian, characterized in the State of New York by beds of shale.
Utile : Profitable; useful.
Utilitarian : Of or pertaining to utility; consisting in utility; /iming at utility as distinguished from beauty, ornament, etc.; sometimes, reproachfully, evincing, or characterized by, a regard for utility of a lower kind, or marked by a sordid spirit; as, utilitarian narrowness; a utilitarian indifference to art. ;; Of or pertaining to utilitarianism; supporting utilitarianism; as, the utilitarian view of morality; the Utilitarian Society. ;; One who holds the doctrine of utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism : The doctrine that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the end and aim of all social and political institutions. ;; The doctrine that virtue is founded in utility, or that virtue is defined and enforced by its tendency to promote the highest happiness of the universe. ;; The doctrine that utility is the sole standard of morality, so that the rectitude of an action is determined by its usefulness.
Utility : The quality or state of being useful; usefulness; production of good; profitableness to some valuable end; as, the utility of manure upon land; the utility of the sciences; the utility of medicines. ;; Adaptation to satisfy the desires or wants; intrinsic value. See Note under Value, 2. ;; Happiness; the greatest good, or happiness, of the greatest number, -- the foundation of utilitarianism.
: Utilizable, Utilization, Utilize, Utilized, Utilizing, Utis, Utlary, Utmost, Utopia, Utopian
: Usurped, Usurper, Usurping, Usurpingly, Usury, Ut, Utas, Utensil, Uterine, Uterogestation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary