Vocabulary : Vacillating to Vacuolated

Vacillating : of Vacillate ;; Inclined to fluctuate; wavering.
Vacillation : The act of vacillating; a moving one way and the other; a wavering.
Vacillatory : Inclined to vacillate; wavering; irresolute.
Vacua : of Vacuum
Vacuate : To make void, or empty.
Vacuation : The act of emptying; evacuation.
Vacuist : One who holds the doctrine that the space between the bodies of the universe, or the molecules and atoms of matter., is a vacuum; -- opposed to plenist.
Vacuity : The quality or state of being vacuous, or not filled; emptiness; vacancy; as, vacuity of mind; vacuity of countenance. ;; Space unfilled or unoccupied, or occupied with an invisible fluid only; emptiness; void; vacuum. ;; Want of reality; inanity; nihility.
Vacuna : The goddess of rural leisure, to whom the husbandmen sacrificed at the close of the harvest. She was especially honored by the Sabines.
Vacuolated : Full of vacuoles, or small air cavities; as, vacuolated cells.
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