Vocabulary : Zeuglodon to Zibet

Zeuglodon : A genus of extinct Eocene whales, remains of which have been found in the Gulf States. The species had very long and slender bodies and broad serrated teeth. See Phocodontia.
Zeuglodont : Any species of Zeuglodonta.
Zeuglodonta : Same as Phocodontia.
Zeugma : A figure by which an adjective or verb, which agrees with a nearer word, is, by way of supplement, referred also to another more remote; as, "hic illius arma, hic currus fuit;" where fuit, which agrees directly with currus, is referred also to arma.
Zeugmatic : Of or pertaining to zeugma; characterized by zeugma.
Zeugobranchiata : Same as Zygobranchia.
Zeus : The chief deity of the Greeks, and ruler of the upper world (cf. Hades). He was identified with Jupiter.
Zeuzerian : Any one of a group of bombycid moths of which the genus Zeuzera is the type. Some of these moths are of large size. The goat moth is an example.
Zeylanite : See Ceylanite.
Zibet : Alt. of Zibeth
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