Vocabulary : Zigzaggy to Zinced
Zigzaggy : Having sharp turns.
Zikkurat : A temple tower of the Babylonians or Assyrians, consisting of a lofty pyramidal structure, built in successive stages, with outside staircases, and a shrine at the top.
Zilla : A low, thorny, suffrutescent, crucifeous plant (Zilla myagroides) found in the deserts of Egypt. Its leaves are boiled in water, and eaten, by the Arabs.
Zillah : A district or local division, as of a province.
Zimb : A large, venomous, two-winged fly, native of Abyssinia. It is allied to the tsetse fly, and, like the latter, is destructive to cattle.
Ziment-water : A kind of water found in copper mines; water impregnated with copper.
Zimocca : A sponge (Euspongia zimocca) of flat form and fine quality, from the Adriatic, about the Greek islands, and the coast of Barbary.
Zinc : An abundant element of the magnesium-cadmium group, extracted principally from the minerals zinc blende, smithsonite, calamine, and franklinite, as an easily fusible bluish white metal, which is malleable, especially when heated. It is not easily oxidized in moist air, and hence is used for sheeting, coating galvanized iron, etc. It is used in making brass, britannia, and other alloys, and is also largely consumed in electric batteries. Symbol Zn. Atomic weight 64.9. ;; To coat with zinc; to galvanize.
Zincane : Zinc chloride.
Zinced : of Zinc
: Zincic, Zincide, Zinciferous, Zincification, Zincify, Zincing, Zincite, Zincked, Zincking, Zincky
: Zibeth, Ziega, Zietrisikite, Zif, Zigger, Zighyr, Zigzag, Zigzagged, Zigzaggery, Zigzagging
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary