Vocabulary : Zinziberaceous to Zircona

Zinziberaceous : Same as Zingiberaceous.
Zion : A hill in Jerusalem, which, after the capture of that city by the Israelites, became the royal residence of David and his successors. ;; Hence, the theocracy, or church of God. ;; The heavenly Jerusalem; heaven.
Zionism : Among the Jews, a theory, plan, or movement for colonizing their own race in Palestine, the land of Zion, or, if that is impracticable, elsewhere, either for religious or nationalizing purposes; -- called also Zion movement.
Zip : A hissing or sibilant sound such as that made by a flying bullet. ;; To make, or move with, such a sound.
Ziphioid : See Xiphioid.
Zirco- : A combining form (also used adjectively) designating zirconium as an element of certain double compounds; zircono-; as in zircofluoric acid, sodium zircofluoride.
Zircofluoride : A double fluoride of zirconium and hydrogen, or some other positive element or radical; as, zircofluoride of sodium.
Zircon : A mineral occurring in tetragonal crystals, usually of a brown or gray color. It consists of silica and zirconia. A red variety, used as a gem, is called hyacinth. Colorless, pale-yellow or smoky-brown varieties from Ceylon are called jargon.
Zircon light : A light, similar to the calcium light, produced by incandescent zirconia.
Zircona : Zirconia.
Next : Zirconate, Zirconia, Zirconic, Zirconium, Zircono, Zirconoid, Zither, Zittern, Zizania, Zizel
Previous : Zingari, Zingaro, Zingel, Zingiberaceous, Zink, Zinkenite, Zinky, Zinnia, Zinnwaldite, Zinsang
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